Thursday 11 August 2011

I've been leaving breadcrumbs.
Just hints and tips of what I mean and what I want. It's what I do. Expecting you to glance up and see me waiting at the end of the line. Realisation, awakening.
But it doesn't work that way. How can I expect you all to be astute when you've no idea what you're looking for?
Even now, there are no names, no faces, no evidence, just me saying things and wondering if you'll ever work out that it's you, it's always been you I've been talking to without saying a word.
I'm not likely to tell you. I'm not likely to tell a soul.
I'm waiting for you to guess.

1 comment:

  1. Big hugs! I love your blog, Louise, and you of course! But seriously, this is amazing.
