Thursday 21 July 2011

Demi, you gorgeous piece of singing goodness. I love you. I've said it so many times recently but there just isn't any escaping the fact that in the few short months I've known you, you've somehow thrown yourself into my world and become such a major part of it. The only thing I regret is that we don't have more memories together. I really, truly, with all my heart wish I'd known you for longer, somehow. I wish we'd spent late nights and early mornings and long days fulfilling all those wishes we made. I wish I'd known, as the clock flicked to 00.01 on the very first morning of this year and we were sat up talking, I wish I'd known what I know now. Maybe knowing that there was an impending expiration date on my time with you would have made me appreciate you more, made more plans with you. As it were, you were my rock. You may have heard that a lot but you were the leg I stood on when I had nothing else. When my heart was breaking you were the first one I turned to and that's not something you forget, not ever. And the fact that you helped stitch me back together means that somewhere there, your mark is woven into the thread, permanently intertwined amongst the messy stuff and all the good emotions. 

This isn't the last time I'll see you, I won't let it be. Train tickets to Northampton and road trips when I can drive and hopefully I'll be at Uni somewhere up there in a year and then you'll never get rid of me. 

I've been trying to say the same thing for a while now and I think, perhaps, this is the most eloquent it's been but I love you Demi Baron and that's all there is to say. 

Kisses, Louise xxx

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